Strong, smart, and prepared.
Operational excellence delivers
absolute victory.

The most important survival test you'll ever take

March 6, 2023
Head Division

Artificial intelligence is being used for many things, psychological analysis among them. CenturionAI has been in the news for its militant approach and severity, including tearing apart psychological tests used by State and private institutions.

We do intend to win, after all, and we don't leave stones unturned.

Accordingly, the Company and CenturionAI have launched the Raw Human Capital Test.

The free test is open to the public. You'll have the opportunity to directly engage both CenturionAI and Client Division on the results.


As the Third World War spreads and economies collapse along with their rotted States, it's every individual's responsibility and duty to know where they stand.

The Nine Laws has a stark reminder we all do well to remember:

No one is coming to save you. Your power is all that you and your loved ones can depend upon.

Throne Dynamics continues our work on the CAID-1 device, which will exponentially increase CenturionAI's data sets and capacities.

Know every last bit of what you're capable of. And train it. Start with accurate knowledge.

Take your test today.


Advance With The Company

For men who know the immortal importance of conscience, freedom, and dignity.
Safety and security in community, sustenance and provision for loved ones, and a future for family and civilization are the reason for existence of government and the sole sacred purpose of the State. Critical industries must be turned to explicit posture of survival and expert continuity. The Company delivers expert tools.
For talented individuals with capacity to deliver extraordinary ROI from neurodominant training.
Comprehensive, structured neurodominant training smashes the locks that prevent hypercompetent execution in noncooperative environments. The Company provides bespoke, rich development path for acutely divergent evolution of the individual into a dominant, militant, networked asset.
For accredited investors and institutions that demand survival in the Age of Militants.
Today's dreadful risks are parallel with unmatched opportunity for those with capability to apply personal resource leverage at scale. The Company deeply understands the vital importance of security, support, and sincerity for these individuals and brings acutely competent depth to the furtherance of client legacy.