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Militant CORE: Interrogation Resistance Update

May 6, 2024
Client Division

In the course of operations within noncooperative environments there are times where interest, engagement, and interaction from both State and non-state actors is effected through coercive questioning.

The launch of Militant CORE earlier in 2024 includes access to the Interrogation Resistance Fundamentals program for select early enrollees. The material has been developed with a focus on State investigation and interrogation, and includes review of non-state coercive methods of intelligence extraction and subject disposal.

This Company Report provides excerpts from the program in development.

You can and will be broken.
Interviews and interrogations come in various forms, each tailored to its specific purpose and setting. An interview is a conversation between two or more parties for information gathering purposes. Questions are generally open-ended and non-accusatory in nature and the individual being interviewed may not necessarily be a subject but is considered someone who has relevant information the interviewer is seeking. Interviews are usually non-custodial.
An interrogation is a formal questioning process conducted by authorities, such as law enforcement officers, intelligence agents, military personnel, or other authority figure with the aim of obtaining information, eliciting confessions, or advancing an agenda. Interrogations are usually conducted in controlled, structured settings and are custodial.

By contrast, coercive non-state interrogation is a "black flag" engagement where the fate of the subject is not within the boundaries or controls of law, institutions, or regularly constituted courts. Those entities may be the initiating source of requests for intelligence; providers of subjects, resources and settings; and intended end-users of intelligence product. However, the means and methods of black flag interrogations have three simple concerns:

  1. Must the subject survive?
  2. May the subject be visibly damaged?
  3. Must the subject not survive?

Those criteria are the parameters within which physically coercive interrogations take place in a black flag engagement. The tumble and turn of those instructions to the interrogator shape the consequences to the subject during the process of intelligence extraction.

"His death would inappropriately offend allied interests."
"We'll need him to look natural in front of the camera later."
"His remains should not be identifiable."

In the broader noncooperative arena of the Third World War, methods of enduring interviews, interrogations, and coercive intelligence extraction are critical skills for the militant. Risk Division continues to develop the program with expected release later this year.

Access to Risk Division Militant CORE programs is solely by tailored program arrangement with the client.

Members of the public interested in this material are encouraged to submit their complimentary Raw Human Capital assessment, and follow up with enrollment in our Black Flag program for formal Company introduction to methods, principles, and values of successful militants in noncooperative arenas.

Investors, partners, and clients with questions should reach out to their Relationship Manager.

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, September 24). Non-state actor. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

THRONE DYNAMICS | Academy | Militant CORE. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | ACADEMY | Interrogation Resistance Fundamentals. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2024, from


Throne Dynamics | Risk Division. (n.d.).

RAW HUMAN CAPITAL | Throne Dynamics. (n.d.).

THRONE DYNAMICS | ACADEMY | Black Flag. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2024, from


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