Form ranks with us today.
Join the men of our Movement in the Third World War.


At the heart of our Movement are brave men.

These brave men see the gathering storms of the Third World War. They take personal responsibility for their future and legacy and we forge them into an army.

Strong men with stable families create powerful culture and community. This is the bedrock of civilization worth living in. It must be created and protected.

The Company accepts this responsibility.

Men under our command refuse to kneel before ruling tyrants.

They value their conscience, freedom, and dignity above their immediate comforts and fears. This bravery delivers deep rewards for men of the Movement.

Imagine your life filled with sacred purpose for civilization! It takes iron will to put these values into concerted action today.

How would victory in this fight look to you?

What are the precious things that must outlive you?

What calls you to sacred purpose, and why?

What do you insist is worth fighting for?

Do you, like most men, have a hard line you won't suffer to be crossed?


Throne Dynamics is a non-state actor with total determination for a victorious future beyond today’s collapse of the West.

Our rallies, ground events, propaganda, militant education, professional organization, international network, and instruments of justice are the groundwork that creates that future. We bring militant artificial intelligence to the battlefield. We raise the Tribunals to hold criminal actors to account. Our agents are emplaced on every continent except Antarctica and we offer only cruelty and defeat to evil men and rotted States.

We advance justice. We do not negotiate with evil. We have no pity for its works.

Your loved ones need safety and security. You must sustainably provide for them. But your identity as a man has no meaning if you live in subjugation. And if you try to stand alone, you’ll quickly be liquidated in this age of genocides and high technology war.

Millions of men like you represent an untapped mass of power. Voting harder won’t save you. Genocides don’t care. Advancement of justice in this world requires men to work in concert, and it requires you to get up and walk. Do it! You’ll respect yourself like never before.

These men must be formed into a Movement that brings this immortal vision into reality.

Imagine a Movement of men who stand against evil, fight against injustice, and spread truth in an age of darkness!

Only with a global uprising against rotten, corrupted leaders will we see the end of their egregious crimes. Their war against God, your nations, and our people must end.

This starts with you.



Dediate yourself and take part in the grand rising of hard men for hard times!

We are not a Party or a Church. We are the Company.

We inherit the future and will seize it by right.

You want a future that isn’t bugs and pods. You need leaders who aren’t afraid to face evil. You demand a Movement that grows with integrity and power, strong enough to shove aside the lies and betrayal that are thrust upon you.

Without that strength, only genocide and despair await.

Do your part and be proud of your work!

Enlisting as a Member of the Movement gives you exclusive access to the Company.

All levels receive entrance to private virtual rallies and our Discord community, where you’ll get exclusive updates and intel from the Company and the Founder.

At Member Plus and Pro tiers you’ll access our full archive of private rallies and enter private subject-based channels in Discord.

As a Member Pro you can submit questions to the Company to be answered in the rallies. You’ll also get first looks and early access to new Company content and materials.

Join the Movement today:

$10 monthly
Enlist as Member
Live Access to War Briefings
Discord Access
Member Plus (Recommended)
$25 monthly
Enlist as Member Plus
Live Access to War Briefings
Archive Access to past War Briefings
Discord Access
Private Discord Channels Access
Member Pro
$50 monthly
Enlist as Member Pro
Live Access to War Briefings
Archive Access to past War Briefings
Send in questions answered in War Briefings
Discord Access
Private Discord Channnels Access
Early access to new development content


  • Live War Briefings are held monthly with direct engagement with the Founder and teams.
  • Discord Access grants entry to the Company servers and community.
  • Archive Access provides all past recorded Rallies for you to watch at leisure.
  • Private Discord Channels include advanced community support and material.
  • Send-in questions ensure your personal inquiries are addressed during War Briefings.
  • Early access gives you access to event planning and new Company materials in development.

Identity and Meaning in War

Truth without apology

It's hard to accept reality when things are bleak and dangerous. We believe in full disclosure and radical acceptance as the best starting point.

Competent methods and tools

Violence, insurrection, and overthrow are crazed ways to approach your current challenges. We share intelligent strategies that equip you to win.

Sharp clear guidance

We are not a Party or a Church. We are the Company. Our focus is on your individual survival, momentum and triumph as a human being.

Vast knowledge base

Nearly a thousand years of family experience in navigation of states and empires is delivered in tandem with modern professional science.

Extensive global network

Officers of the Company and our Executive Cadre have in-depth networks on every continent except Antarctica. We provide acute collaboration.

Crucial human values

We believe in conscience, dignity, and freedom for every human being. Our work advances these bright principles with firm determination.