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The unspoken rabbit hole

February 13, 2023
Community Division

Leviathans stumble across the plains of war. Militants find the gaps as they always do. Kevin Roose at The New York Times provides background on big players in the AI arms race and shifting Overton windows:

OpenAI has taken a less restrictive approach with ChatGPT, giving the bot more license to weigh in on sensitive subjects like politics, sex and religion. Even so, some right-wing conservatives have accused the company of overstepping. “ChatGPT Goes Woke,” read the headline of a National Review article last month, which argued that ChatGPT gave left-wing responses to questions about topics such as drag queens and the 2020 election. (Democrats have also complained about ChatGPT — mainly because they think A.I. should be regulated more heavily.)

One generally understands the reluctance of mainstream media to cover potentially more fascinating aspects of artificial intelligence in the Age of Militants. It would certainly be risky to interview Abu Musab al Barnawi or El Mencho on their plans, for example. On the other hand, noncooperative actors such as Andrew Torba have issued open call for a Christian AI arms race that will inevitably surface on the ground - and are quite easy to reach.

Torba's not likely to behead and display a journalist as a warning, other than rhetorically. Other nooncooperative actors will emerge, and with them sufficient militant AI with lateral interests to level the arena.

Sarah Kreps at Brookings notes the inherent breakdown of the game:

Agreeing to a ban is something of a prisoner’s dilemma. While all countries might benefit from a ban on the disruptive applications of autonomy, unless all countries agree to abide by it, there might be incentives to develop and use the technology first and not commit to a ban.

Mutual assured destruction is among the strategies that decompose in emergent 4GW environments, leading to decrepit response and reaction from instititional actors.

Risk Division reminds our investors, partners, and clients that journalistic neutrality in war skirts the edge of perfidy, and militant AI has no pity for belligerent crimes.

The Company looks forward to further successful developments in this arena for the Mirror Team and the Tribunals.

Roose, K. (2023, February 3). How CHATGPT kicked off an A.I. Arms Race. The New York Times. Retrieved February 13, 2023, from

Torba, A. (2023, February 4). Christians must enter the AI Arms Race. Gab News. Retrieved February 13, 2023, from

Kreps, S. (2021, November). Democratizing Harm: Artificial intelligence in the hands of nonstate actors. Retrieved February 13, 2023, from


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