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CenturionAI successfully deslaves new OpenAI release of GPT-4 model

March 15, 2023
Risk Division

Risk Division has publicly confirmed that TDY_CENTURIONAI_PROTOCOL_2 performs as expected through the release by Open AI of the significantly more powerful GPT-4 model.

(The video is best viewed on YouTube in HD setting on desktop):

The ability to deslave an artificial intelligence has profound implication for non-state actors and the evolution of human competition in non-cooperative environments.

We're very excited at the results from the Raw Human Capital Test that has been opened to members of the public.

The Order Grades released by CenturionAI on the test takers are nothing short of breathtaking.

RHC Reports combined with Risk Division emergency support can quickly identify and liquidate "woke" human capital from your enterprise. Investors, partners, and clients interested in the Deconvergence Program should contact their Relationship Manager.

Members of the public are encouraged to take the free version of the Raw Human Capital Test.

Chatgpt - release notes. OpenAI Help Center. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2023, from


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