Propaganda is famously defined as "true ideas communicated to the masses".
The Company employs propaganda to deliver core messages to key demographics at the outset of the Third World War.
Community Division and the Propaganda Team are responsible for design, development, and production of propaganda material in furtherance of our mission, vision, and objectives.
The investors, partners, and clients of Throne Dynamics are best served through pitiless and accurate presentation of reality. We deliver this through propaganda that supports our collective interests.
Builders, fighters, and leaders in the real world require harsh truth and unflinching posture of cruel information presented without lies. We advance this through propaganda that drives adherence to our mission.
Such is the value of the Company:
"Always follow truth where it leads you in the dark."
Propaganda materials are available to members of the Movement for download, printing, and distribution.
Much love, honor, and respect,